…the rest of my life. You know those ‘best laid plans’? Yeah, well, there I was, minding my own business, getting geared up for retirement and the full-time art life when my own body decided it had other ideas. Several components had apparently been harboring secret resentments and decided that it was time to foment a full scale revolution. My gallbladder outright seceded, the knees are angry-grumbling, and my back is staging daily walkout protests. Folks, it wasn’t supposed to be like this! At least, not until I hit Medicare!
But you’re right–it could absolutely be worse (please no!). And there is a lot of good stuff going on too. The barn is coming together as my new studio workspace and I am super-excited to get this site, my Etsy listings, and lots of new wearable, useable, art pieces up and online, albeit a little more slowly that I had anticipated. Stay tuned for more frequent updates to both sites (the above slippers are listed on Etsy right now), and what I hope will be an entertaining blog on a semi-regular basis.