Beyond Prayers for Paris

DSC_0424Friday was a beautiful day. I had taken the day off from work in order to do errands I could not otherwise accomplish, and I slowly wended my way through Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, enjoying the pastoral views. I returned home later that day to the news of the Paris attacks.

Such horrors should not happen to anyone—not in Paris, not in Beirut, not in Garrisa, not anywhere. And then came the Facebook deluge. I completely understand the desire for people to express their support for victims and condemnation of terrorists. Yes to that. I am also frustrated at what often feels like a lack of real action. Garrisan victims will never know of my support or encouragement, and thus can gain nothing from it. As the day wore on and the 24 hour news cycle continued to endlessly grind and I spoke to family and friends my frustration only increased.

Here is what I believe. I believe that healthy, well-fed people do not wage jihad. People with a sense of hope and security about the future do not join militias, or burn crosses in other people’s yards. People with a sense of empowerment and investment in their communities do not become suicide bombers. So, here is how I have decided to join the war on terror. I will give 10% of the selling price of any and all Studio E products purchased from this day forward to organizations that truly work to end the causes of poverty and terror in the world. Medecins sans Frontieres, Heifer International, The Southern Poverty Law Center. Your choice. So, if you were thinking of ordering already and this helps, thank you. If you weren’t thinking of ordering, please think about giving to one of these organizations on your own.

I realize this is only a drop in the bucket, but if you have enough drops, the bucket gets full. If you have enough buckets, you can put out a fire.

Thank you,


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