The Norman Conquest

norman conquest

So. Norman. Remember Norman? Sometimes known as Norman the Nefarious Ninja, this is the little, innocent-looking, animal cracker-eating Shetland sheep who took me out earlier this month (pictured with his buddy Shuggah). He has, of course, been more than a little wary of me since the whole horn-grab-hypodermic-needle incident, but I figured I could win him over again in time for our date with the shearer on April 12th. So far? Not so much. Then, inspiration! I was already planning on creating a series of moveable pens this spring and summer. Each would be about 30′ x30′. I’d move the boys from one to the next around the unfenced portion of the pasture in order to give my regular pastures a break. They’ve been a bit overgrazed in recent years and could use a good lime, seed, and leave. Since it was Spring Break week, I’d start early, give the guys some fresh new grass, and get Norman into a pen small enough for easy capture. Uh-huh.

Sheep, despite their reputation, are not stupid. Especially Norman.

Once I’d built the new pen and opened it up, I fully expected the whole gang to rush in and gorge themselves on the new grass. Again–not so much. Turns out, they didn’t really care about the new grass, and Norman knew perfectly well that this was all part of some underhanded plan to touch him and he wasn’t having any, thank you.

I put in some grain. Response? Meh.

More grain, hay, water! Meh.

Fine. I left, figuring to keep an eye out from the house, then go up and close them in once they’d started munching. Only, every time I walked into the pasture, Norman ran out of the pen, before I’d gotten within 50 yards. Then, another inspiration! I grabbed a handful of old lengths of bailing twine from the winter’s hay supply (there is a reason Yankees never throw anything away), and tied fifteen or so of them into a rope, one end tied to the gate into the new pen. In the end, I had to sit some 100 feet away for 45 minutes or so before Norman decided it was safe to enter the new pen, then YOINK! Got ‘im!

He’s a bit upset about having been bested by a mere human, and is clearly plotting his next move between mouthfuls of grass and headbutts with Shuggah. We shall see what shearing day brings–stay tuned!

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